Sorry about the glare on the picture but you get the idea. Target is having its big January toy clearance. I had been real good about not going because we really do not need more toys but today I gave in after reading on one of my favorite messages boards that there were rumors of toys going 90 percent off!!! Anyone who knows/follows Target clearances, knows that this is unheard of! Only holidays go 90 percent off. I still had to check it out.
As my daughter and I made our way to toys I saw standing close to the toys, my favorite mark down lady!! WOOT! We moved a little quicker. I overheard her discussion over time with the manager LOL. When they were done talking, I told her that I love seeing her in the toy department. She told me where they had already been and what still needed done. I asked her about 90 percent off and she denied it. I still will check later this week. LOL
This is what I got today...
Electronic Doodle Pro 5.48
Mad Science Dinosaur kit 3.94
2 Lapdesks with stamps and such 3.74 each
Barbie with 3 puppies 4.98
Breyer Stablemates 4.98
Stormtrooper Potato head 2.74
R2-D2 potato head 2.74
Othello 2.48
Yahtzee Free for All 2.24
Zooreka 2.98
American Girl 300 Wishes 4.98
Monopoly Town 1.98
Horton Hears a Who game 4.98
Thomas the Train engine 1.72
Clipo set 4.98
Vtech smartboard 6.24
King Arthur figures 2.98
Word World Stamp kit 2.38
I also got a few shirts for 1.48 and some cereal for 1.97. So I didn't just get junk. LOL I put most of the stuff away for birthdays or namedays. I am not stupid enough to think I can hold it until Christmas. LOL
This made up a little for the lame Old Navy clearance last week I guess---although we needed pants much more than we needed toys. LOL
I told my girls that most of them are board games because when everything goes digital we won't be able to watch any TV---we will need something to do. LOL