Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Target Christmas Clearance
CVS trip 12/21/08
I am slacking on my posting of deals. But honestly, I have not been venturing out too much. I did manage to make it for the last huge CVS freebie sale!! And here is what I got...
5 Listerine Cool Mint mouthwash
1 Zantac
1 Thermacare neck to arm
1 Halls Natural
1 Excedrin
2 Sally Hansen nail polish
2 L'oreal eye shadow
1 Benefiber
Total: 64.66
Coupons: 2.00
ECBs used: 60.69
oop: 2.28
ECBs earned: 64.17
Not too bad!!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thanksgiving Shopping at CVS
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Target Glade deal
CVS this week
The next store I went to was out of the big packs of batteries but I found one lone 16 pk of AA at the next store and also got an 8-pk. Total oop on that deal about 4.00 and I got back 15.00 ecbs again.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
When we were first Orthodox we did the Advent wreath as found in "Making God Real in the Orthodox Home" After the first few years though, we found it to be kind of cheesy. We found some Advent materials from an Orthodox publisher and started using those. This year we opted to go back to the Making God Real advent wreath with the different colored candles but adding in our own discussion and such.
I also bought an Advent Calendar from Paidea Press for this year. The kids are really enjoying it so far. We open a window in the morning when we do our regular prayers, Gospel and Saints before school.
Normally we place our wreath on the dining room table but often we would have to move it for school or eating or whatever. This year though about 2 days before the fast started, a friend of ours from church gave me a sewing machine in a cabinet. I wasn't sure where I was going to put it so had just scooted it out of the way but then thought, "Hey this would be perfect for our advent stuff!" So that is what I did.
As you can see, to the left of this is our icon corner. So far it has worked out pretty good.
The children are now looking forward to St Nicholas day (I ordered chocolate coins from Paidea as well). We decorate on December 6th--or close to it. Then we have St Herman day which is my oldest's feast day on December 13th and then on the 19th my oldest turns 18. *sigh*
December is full of stuff but I like having the Advent stuff out in the living room to help us remember what our focus really is during this time.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Target Halloween Clearance Pt 2
Today, my parents left and my husband was gone for much of the day. I had unexpected company for a few hours. I wasn't itching to go to Target (shocking, I know). But then, the question came from each of the children at different times, "What's for supper, Mom?" WHAT?!?! I need to think about supper? My 2yo came to me with big smiling eyes and said, "Dit-donalds???" I gave in. Oh but wait, there is a new sub shop opened right by Target. *grin* So I said I would get subs for some and McD's for others and of course, stop in at Target but I knew that there would be nothing left. Yeah right......
That was the "nothing" I got. LOL 8 Pez dispensers (19 cents each); 3 2-in-1 lights (49 cents); one cat nip toy (39 cents); a shirt and a little candy. But my best deal was the cookies--OK I went a little overboard--I bought 8 Ghosts ones and 16 of the pumpkin ones...for 25 cents each!! *woot* They are in the freezer. I bought some when they were 50 and when they were 75 too. I didn't buy all that was there today and I did let some other people know about it. So don't think that I was being greedy.
I also got a few costumes for my boys to play "dress up" with.
My 2yo with just the Transformers mask on. Notice his shirt is inside out for some reason AND he has 2 different socks on. LOL But he sure is cute!
My 7yo as Optimus Prime and the 5yo as some sort of evil gladiator.
A clone (my 9yo) and the 2yo again
Don't know what this is but the 9yo thought he looked tough. LOL
My favorite thing about Target's new computer system is that it shows how much you saved on your trip. Today's receipt says, "You Saved 256.93"
As my girls told me when I told them, "Mom, you rock Target clearance!"
Monday, November 3, 2008
Halloween Clearance at Target
Saturday, October 11, 2008
CVS 10/11/08
- 2 Irish Spring Speed Stick deoderant
- 1 Bic Soleil razor
- 2 Soleil 4 count cartridge refills
- 2 CVS brand spray sanitizer
- 1 Colgate MaxFresh
- 2 Purex detergent
- 1 Vitamin Water
Everything gave me ECBs back except for the Purex. The Purex was on sale for 2.99 (down from 6.99) and I had coupons. I almost didn't get it but a woman ahead of me in line asked the manager if they had any in the back--they did--so I had him get me 2 as well.
Total before: 37.19
I used 6.35 in q's and 14.00 in ECBs making my OOP 18.37 but I got back 20.29 in ECBs and 4 pretty good CVS coupons. I don't think this week at CVS is anything great--which is OK, I will be busy with our parish's Greek Festival and probably will not make it to the store at all. LOL But my ECBs are all rolled into November now so that is alright.
I'm a Winner!!
- A set of two lip balms
- A Detangler
- One Bubble Wash
- Two Toothpaste tubes : one with fluoride and one without
- One Self foaming Hand Wash
- One Shampoo and Conditioner
- One Self Foaming Shampoo and Body Wash
- A Whale of a Soap Set (two soaps)
All were full size products and let me tell you, they smell soooooo good! I don't think I will have a problem having the boys get a bath tonight! LOL
I just might enter more blog giveaways in the future! Real people DO win these!!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
CVS 10/4/2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Twice in One Day
I only had 4 coupons I wanted to use all for the same thing, Gorton's Fish which was B1G1. I bought 4 bags and had 4 q's to use. As soon as the cashier looked at them she said, "Oh honey, we aren't going to be able to take these." Then she turned to get the manager. When the manager came over she explained that it is certain internet coupons they would not be taking. I asked if there was a way to know for sure? And she said that there were certain things that they will be looking at to determine. I said, "So it would be better to not bring in printables?"
"Oh no, you can bring them but we will just decide if we will let you use them."
I wanted to explain that I use my coupons to get the lowest price and that I shop and plan my menus based on the q's I have but there was no use. *sigh* Another one bites the dust due to fraud.
Later in the afternoon, I went to Walmart to pick up film but wanted to also get cheap chocolate chips. I again had 2 internet q's to use. My fave cashier in the garden center said that they had had a meeting just that morning saying that they were no longer taking printables. *grrr*
And another one gone...
I do the bulk of my shopping at Food Lion but I might need to venture to Publix more in order to get the good deals.
Oh well. I guess it was bound to happen. I was having a crappy day anyhow. LOL
To all of you who use coupons fraudulently, I just want to say, thanks for screwing it up for those of us who are honest and just trying to feed our families! Thank you very much!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Menu Plan Monday

Still working out some kinks to my menu plan but so far it is working pretty well. Planning out my lunches is making a big difference in how our day goes and I actually think that I am saving a little money by doing it.
Lunch: Chicken Nuggets
Supper: Roast in crock pot
Lunch: Frozen pizza
Supper: Chicken and biscuits
Wednesday...fast day
Lunch: Fish sticks
Supper: French toast
Lunch: Corn dogs
Supper: "Pizza Things" (mini calzones)
Friday...fast day
Lunch: Mac and Cheese or sandwiches
Supper: Fish
To see more Monday Menu Plans go to: http://orgjunkie.com/
Couponizer Giveaway
Saturday, September 20, 2008
CVS 9-20-08
Monday, September 8, 2008
Menu Plan Monday

Friday, July 18, 2008
Mall Savings
For those not familiar with this wonderful sale, let me fill you in! ALL of the clearance stuff is an ADDITIONAL 50% off!! Old Navy usually has it twice each year; once in January and again in July. I usually go in January to load up on boys pants. In my opinion, these pants hold up incredibly well! I have six boys---I know of what I speak! In July, I just grab whatever we need at the moment--this time it was shirts for church and baby clothes.
I noticed in the post at FFD, that not all stores were having the sale so it was suggested that you call to make sure. Yesterday I called my local (and only) Old Navy. A friendly young man named, Thomas answered the phone. I said, "Can you tell me if you are having the add...." and he jumped in, "Additional 50% off clearance? Yes we are!! Come on in and get you some stuff!!" I told him I would!
Today I made my way to the mall. Our ON always has a bunch of stuff on clearance. Sometimes it is overwhelming (I know, that is hard to believe but it is true!) Today was no exception. Rack after rack of clothes. My two girls made their way to the young ladies stuff while I wandered through young mens, boys, infant and toddler. I did pretty good I think.
I tallied up what we had before we got the register so that I would know for sure--I didn't want to spend more than $60 (for 8 kids that is pretty low). At the register, I chatted with Aaron who was impressed with my "Cadillac of Strollers" I was apparently "rockin'" LOL. I found that his father had 11 children and we chatted about free babysitting and loving' my girls (me not him LOL). When he gave me my total it was about $66, then he handed me a $10 off coupon which I started to stick in my purse. He kind of quietly said, "Girl, hold up, read that...that is good from TODAY until the 31st." I smiled and said, "Oh, can I use this today???" acting very innocent. He said, "Sure, ma'am!" LOL
So in the end I purchased: 16 shirts; 1 pair of jeans; 1 set of PJs and 2 packs of socks (3 pr each) for a total of 55.38! A total discount savings of almost $72!! *woot*
After we left Old Navy our savings was not done! I remembered to bring an Aunt Annie's coupone with me so we also got 2 pretzels (B1G1). Then we sat in the food court eating our pretzels while I fed the baby.
Next stop was EB Games for the oldest son who was at home babysitting. I found 2 games he wanted for 7.99 each and another for 2.99 so everyone was happy.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
CVS Saturday Deals 7/12/2008
Transaction #1
4 Dawn dishwashing liquid 2/$2
2 Olay cleansing cloths 4.99/each
2 olay body wash 5.99/each
I had 4 Olay coupons but for some reason only 2 were allowed. I never had that happen before. And she rang up the lowest ones first so I didn't get as much off as I could have. And she had trouble with the $3 off $15 coupon but she punched it in.
Total coupons: 5.00
used $16 ECBs
OOP: 5.45
got $12 ECBs
Transaction #2 (different CVS)
3 Pringles $1/each
4 Dawn $1 each
3 Febreeze Air Effects 2.50/each
1 Febreeze fabric freshener 3.99
2 Dawn q's; pringles q; 3 febreeze q's including the buy one get one free. Coupon total: 8.59
Didn't use any ECBs for some reason. LOL
OOP: 12.74
got back $8 ECBs
Not great but not bad either I guess. And now I have about 12 bottles of Dawn! That should last until the next time they go on sale. LOL
To see more CVS deals and Superstars check out The "Cent"sible Sawyer
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Last night, dh came home from work and mentioned that he had cut himself at work (he works construction). When he got out of the shower he asked for a bandaid. I told him they were in the hall closet. He opened the door and his eyes grew very wide. I knew that trying to explain to him WHERE the bandaids were would be harder than just getting up and getting him one. I knew then that the hall closet job had to be done ASAP.
This is one of those posts that would be really cool with pictures showing before, during and after. But *sigh* I have no camera anymore. *sigh* I miss my camera. One of my friends suggested saving my ECBs to get a new one, which really isn't a bad idea. ::giggle::
Back to my stockpile, at one point my 15yo dd walked through the dining room where everything was sitting in nice little rows and said, "Um, are you opening a CVS?" *he he he*
Here is what I have:
19 tubes of toothpaste
4 Extra strength pain reliever
2 Advil PM
4 aspirin
2 Excedrin Migraine
5 mouthwash
5 ladies' deoderant
7 men's deoderant
2 air freshener spray
3 glade wisp candles
2 kids' shampoos
5 regular shampoo
3 conditioner
2 body wash type soap
3 big bottles of purell
3 little bottles of purell
3 face cleaner soap type things (noxema, etc)
2 hair gel
5 hand soap
3 women's razors
2 men's razors (but one is a 3-pack)
4 lip balm
9 manual toothbrushes
2 battery toothbrushes
4 packs of cotton swabs
2 boxes of PrepH wipes
3 boxes of Tums packet thingys
When my parents were here last month, I gave them several items. They take care of first aid at motorcycle events with the Christian Motorcycle Association. So I gave them the 3 glucose monitors I had along with several first aid type things. And since my dh prefers electric razors, I gave my Daddy some of the razors I had.
I am sure my stockpile is not as impressive as some others but I think this is pretty good for only doing this about 6 months or so. And now I know what I have and what we might want more of and what we DON'T need. LOL
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
School Supplies!!
Until tomorrow, you can get pencils, folder and Purell for 1 penny. They also have 3 ring binders for 25 cents. Since I am a homeschooler, I have a teacher reward card, this allowed me to get double the limit of stuff. So for about $2.50 we got: 20 2-pocket folders; 4 Purell; 4 pks of pencils; and 8 3 ring binders. Since Staple's is less than a mile from us, I might make another trip this afternoon and maybe tomorrow too. LOL
I also hit Walmart school supplies yesterday. Last year, we purchased about 300 notebooks for 10 cents each--not all at once, I would get about 100 each time. We might have gotten more than 300 but I don't remember. This year notebooks are 5 cents each!! *woot* I bought 50 yesterday (total 2.50). I will probably get more as time goes on. My little boys like to draw in these and for 5 cents each---I say, Draw Away!!
I don't get a lot of school stuff until Target has its big clearance. Then we tend to load up on scissors and other stuff like that.
Not to figure out where to put all this stuff. Hmmm....
Walgreen's Take 2
So I bought:
3 Scunci hair things
2 Honey Bunches of Oats cereal
1 Sunsilk shampoo
1 Sunsilk styler
I used $5 RR from the previous diaper deal and 2 Sunsilk q's
When my transaction was finished, I asked about my RR (should have been $5 for scunci and $2 for HBO). She said, "You used a coupon." I said, "Yeah, for the shampoo." She shrugged and said, "All I know if someone used a coupon yesterday and she didn't get the RR" It made no sense to me! LOL
I did the diaper deal then--3 pk of diapers. I used the q from the Easy Saver and got 7.50 off and THIS time got my $5 RR.
I still don't understand why my RR from the first transaction didn't print but oh well.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
CVS 7/3/2008
2 CVS pantyliners 99 cents/each
2 Dr Peppers 1.39/each
2 Mt Dew 1.39/each
1 CVS makeup cleansing cloth 2.99
1 CVS petroleum jelly 1.99
1 revlon tweezer 2.99
1 revlon fingernail clippers 2.99
I used a $2 cvs q and a 1.50 q. Then I used 14.98 in ECBs thinking that I was going to get back about 13.96. So I paid 19 cents oop and got back a whole 6.48 in ECBs. *blech* a loss of 8.50 but I guess that is OK--live and learn. I think maybe my deal from Walgreens made up for it. LOL
Walgreens 7/3/2008
I am still getting the hang of Walgreens but this week had a deal that I knew I could benefit from--diapers! I have 2 in diapers so every time I can save on them I do!
Today I bought:
Sunsilk Shampoo
Sunsilk style stuff
2 boxes of Honey bunches of Oats
3 jumbo pks of diapers
1 pk of batteries (not part of the deal, just something I remembered I needed when we got there LOL)
Sunsilk was B1G1 in the ad and I had Sunsilk q's--1.50 and 1.00 off so 4.29-2.50=1.79 for both
Diapers were on sale 5.99/each--I used the Easy Saver q. It took off 7.50. So 17.97-7.50=10.47
Cereal was 2 for $5 unfortunately I didn't have any q's
I paid about $20 oop and got back $7 in RR (5 for diapers and 2 for cereal). I plan to go back again at least once for more diapers. And I figure it is a good way to build up some RRs for stuff I need.
There is also the Scunci hair accessories which are 3 for $10 and get $5 RR back. That might be the next trip! LOL And of course, more cereal. LOL
Saturday, June 14, 2008
CVS 6/14/2008
My 2yo calls this cereal, "Bug Cereal" and he loves it! So when I saw it was a way to earn ECBs I thought, "What the heck!" I bought 6 boxes (3/$10). I used 4 $1 coupons; a $3/15 CVS coupon and a $10 ECB. I paid 3.21 oop and earned $10 in ECBs. Not bad I guess.
My second deal was derailed when the store I went to did not have the Oral B toothbrushes. They were also out of the mouthrinse so I did a little improv on the spot. I got 8 SmartWaters (1 litre each). They were on sale for $1 and in the CVS beauty booklets there are q's for $1 off 2. I also completed the swab and bandage deals. And then I found the Garnier stuff that is buy 2 get $10. I spent more oop than I would like since I only had q's for the water and for some reason I didn't have any ECBs attached with my deal sheet for this one. I will blame Mommy-brain. It ended up being 20.25 oop but I earned 13.99 in ECBs.
I started the week with 37.96 in ECBs (I used to have about $75 but a few weeks ago I let about $50 expire on accident. Yes, I was very sad and yes, I checked with all my local stores and no one would take them.). And ended with 51.95 in ECBs. Again not bad.
I am by no means an expert on this but I am learning and I have not needed to buy tooth paste in about 6 months (that doesn't mean that I haven't bought--I just haven't needed to! LOL) But to see more CVS'ing and people who really know what they are doing, check out The "Cent"sible Sawyer.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Walmart 6/10/2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
CVS 6/3/08

2 Listerine Smart Rinses; 4 CVS cotton swabs; 2 CVS bandaid; 8 Dawn dishwashing liquid
Total before: 35.34
Q's and ECBs: 28.94
OOP: 6.40
ECBs earned: 22.96
CVS 6/2/08

CVS 5/17

Price before sales: 104.41
after using CVS card for sale prices: 37.92
coupons: 16.37
oop: 22.50
ECBs earned: 35.94
Kroger Deal

First Post
I like to shop for different deals and my first few posts will be about this since I am dumping pics from my camera in anticipation for our trip to Tennessee tomorrow.
Will post more in depth stuff when I have time---I am supposed to be packing and giving hair cuts right now.