Originally, this blog was going to be for deal posting only but I have found that I just can't keep up with more than one blog. I have the
other one still up but it has not been updated since November.
For those of you who may have popped in here from elsewhere, let me tell you a little bit about myself.
I am Rebecca. I live in Savannah, Georgia with my husband of 19 years, Jeff. He is a construction worker and full-time student working on his English degree. He
blogs too but rather infrequently. He is the witty and deep one of the family. But right now, most of his time is spent working 8 hours then coming home and working on school for 4-5 hours. We met in New York right out of high school. We lived in Kissimmee, Florida for several years before moving to Georgia.
We are the proud parents to 8 great kids. Our oldest, Jeff Jr, just turned 18 this past December. Oddly, I was more emotional when my oldest daughter turned 16 than I did when he became an adult. He works full time with Jeff is the construction business. He is thinking of going to tech school in the fall or spring. Right now he is working on his GED.
Next in line is our 16yo daughter, Amanda. She is the second mom in the house. She is a great help with the little boys. She also loves to write and bake. Her latest obsession is Broadway musicals. Our next step with her is to get her driving permit.
The third child is Moriah. She is 13. She is different from Amanda yet in some ways very similar. She is our fashionista. She LOVES purses and going shopping. She is truly a girly-girl. Where Amanda doesn't really care about wearing make-up, Moriah asks all the time when she will be allowed. She also is my crafter. She likes to knit, stamp and bead.
I love both my girls. They are so special to me. They are truly growing into lovely young ladies. I can't wait to see where God takes them from here.
Timothy is our fourth child. He is 10 years old. He loves his family. He is the one who will bring me water when I am sick or offer a hug when I am down. He also loves his video games. LOL He is also Jeffrey's shadow but Jeffrey doesn't mind and THAT I love. Timothy has recently discovered a love for reading and is reading just about everything he can get his hands on.
Alexander is next. He is 8 and shares a birthday with Moriah. Alexander is so very sensitive. He collects roly-poly bugs but the thousands (well it seems that way LOL). He likes to draw and color. He has said for a few years that he wishes to be an artist when he grows up.
(Only three more left LOL)
Andrew is our 5yo and first red-head. He is a sweet boy. It took him forever to potty train but he is still a sweet boy. LOL He loves Legos and playing on the playstation. He is pretty "active" and can often be found running back and forth in the living room battling invisible bad guys.
Symeon is 3 years old and our 2nd red-head. LOL He is so cute. LOL I know I am probably biased but he is!! But he is a rough and tumble little boy. He is ALL boy. He can be very shy or he can be very loud---just depends on his mood.
And lastly we have Gregory. Gregory will be one on April 17th. He is trying to walk--well, he walks if no one is looking at him. He has two volumes: loud and louder. He just likes to "talk" loudly. He is a cutey too.
If you lost count, that is 6 boys, 2 girls. We didn't really plan a large family but I am very happy that God chose to give me one.
We don't have any inside pets. We have a cat, Baby, that was given to us by Andrew's Godfather. He is an outside cat now who has taken a "wife" and fathered 3 kittens with more on the way. *shaking head*.
Other things of interest about our family...
I homeschool the children and have from the beginning.
We are Eastern Orthodox and attend a Greek parish. My husband is an Ordained Subdeacon and teaches the Jr High Sunday School class. My oldest 2 boys serve at the altar. I am a member of the ladies group, Philoptocos Society. I serve on the board and am in charge of special coffee hours.
I like to sew and crochet although since being diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis this past October, I haven't done much of either. I am not a good cook--well, I can be a good cook, I am just too lazy. LOL I know that my family appreciates when I cook well and add new things to the menu so I should do that more.
We are a family that loves football, basketball, hockey--any sport really, EXCEPT Nascar and baseball. Our favorite though is football and in the fall we can be found watching the Gators or Buckeyes on Saturday and who ever we can catch on Sundays.
My latest obsession is couponing. I have always used coupons but in the last year or so, I have REALLY gotten into it. LOL Jeff says that I am like an addict and when people bring me their coupons he jokes that they are "feeding my habit" LOL I got into shopping CVS a little over a year ago. My girls are usually with me when I hit CVS or do any clearance shopping. They know that if toothpaste is more than 50 cents--we are NOT getting it. LOL We laugh at 15 or 30 percent off clearance at Target.
I love reading other blogs about deals and shopping. I am a fairly new
twitterer and I am on
facebook. If you want to read more of my boring life or to see pictures, pop over to my
old blog and take a look around.
In addition to deal posts, I will add some of our life stuff and I will try to not be boring. If you read this far, thanks and I hope you stick around.