I am really beginning to LOVE Publix!! Even though today they were out of some of the BOGO stuff (mainly cereal), I still managed to get quite a bit and save a lot too. I also didn't remember until I was done getting my list and coupons together that Publix's ad doesn't switch until Saturday rather than Thursday like normal. But I still went on since I had some coupons I wanted to use that were expiring soon.
4 Lipton family size tea bags BOGO
4 Wheat thins Artisan crackers BOGO (and I had BOGO coupons--they were all free!!)
2 Breyer's Ice cream BOGO
4 Kraft Mayo BOGO
2 Kraft Dressing BOGO
4 Emerald Almonds BOGO
4 Swanson Broth BOGO
2 Ragu Pasta Sauce BOGO
6 I Can't Believe it's Not Butter BOGO
2 Chex Mix BOGO
2 English Muffins BOGO
2 Cake mixes BOGO
2 Mentos gum (priced 99 cents and I had $1 coupons)
Non-dealy things:
1 Cake frosting (but I did use a q LOL)
1 melting chocolate (my 16yo is making a dessert)
18-pk Coke (cans)--they were 4.99 and had $1 coupon on them so 3.99
Bag of Sugar--on sale 1.99 used coupon
So from the bottom of my receipt:
Vendor coupons: 22.61
Store coupons: 4.25
Advertised Special Savings: 59.82
Advantage buys: 1.00
My savings at Publix today: 87.68
Total out of pocket: 44.87
My favorite part of today's trip was when the cashier and bagger both said, "Wow, you did GREAT!" I hear the often at CVS (LOL) but it is nice to hear other places too.
And in all honesty, this is only my third serious couponing trip to Publix...and I think I am hooked. I never shopped there before because it seemed so expensive, but now that I am learning how to shop the sales better with the help of many blogs and other ladies. I am really starting to LOVE Publix!!
To see more Publix SuperSavers, check out FiddleDeeDee!!
Great deals!! I'm excited about getting back into couponing, but I need to wait until we get moved into the house.
Good job Bec!!
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