I went last night. I still had my air freshener coupons in my holder so I thought that I would check that aisle to see if they were still cheap. The shelf tags indicated that they were back to "normal" prices--11.99, 8.99, etc. So I sighed and put my coupons away. THEN.....I saw the end cap with its "Temporary Price Cut" sign!! SCORE! LOL
1 Airwick iMotion 5.99-3.00 peelie coupon=2.99
1 Lysol Nutra-Air starter kit 5.99-4.00 Q=1.99
1 Airwick Essential Oils starter kit 4.99-4.00Q=.99
2 Glade Sense and Spray 5.99-4.00Q=1.99/each
2 Glade Lasting Impressions 5.99-4.00Q=1.99/each
7 air fresheners for about 14.00 so average about $2/each. Not bad. I will add them to the stash I already have.
What does one do with a box of air fresheners?? Well, some very good friends of our are getting married next month and then 2 weeks later moving to Wisconsin so the bride can begin graduate school. Getting married, moving very far away and going to school can leave a new couple broke! So my plan is to dig through ALL my stash and make a goodie box for them. I will even ship it for them since room in their car will be minimal. Maybe between now and then I will be able to find some more stuff to bless the new couple with.
While at Target last night I also did the Huggies, Viva deal (buy 3 get $5 GC):
Pull ups 8.99-3.00=5.99
Diapers 8.99-2.00=6.99
Viva paper towels 6.99 (no Q but we needed them)
about 19.00-5.00GC=14.00
so about 4.50 average each thing--not as great as free but still OK especially since I am on the last bag of diapers from the Walgreens+$5 coupon buying spree a while ago. LOL
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