Look at all that stuff on the table! And can you believe that I spent less than $60 for all of it??? So what did I get?
4 boxes of Frosted Flakes
4 boxes of Rice Krispies
2 boxes of Fruit Loops
2 boxes of Apple Jacks
12 cans of Progresso soup (my husband takes these in his lunch and especially likes the vegetarian kind for Lent which is coming quickly)
4 bottles of V-8 Splash
2 boxes of Chewy Granola Bars
2 boxes of Popsecret microwave popcorn
2 2-pks of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spread
2 pks of Lender's Bagels
4 cans of Planters Mixed nuts
4 boxes of Cheese-its
2 jars of Hellman's Mayo
1 bottle of Fantastick cleaner
13 boxes of Betty Crocker fruit snacks
My total before any coupons or discounts was 186.30
I saved 91.32 in advertised specials (BOGO)
I used 35.60 in coupons (including those that doubled)
A total savings of 126.92 or 68%
I paid 59.38 OOP.
I took my 13yo and 11yo with me. The 11yo had never been to Publix before (I usually take the girls) so I was explaining to him that we could watch on the screen. I told him that my goal was to have my savings be a LOT bigger than the balance side. The cashier said, "This is the fun part!" as she started ringing my coupons. We kept watching as the savings got bigger and the total due got smaller. When it was all said and done the cashier, Tammie, said, "That's how you shop! You need to learn from your mama!" Then without missing a beat she lifted her hand to me and said, "THAT deserves a high-five!!" LOL Never have I had a cashier high five me before but that was pretty cool. LOL As I was leaving she said to the lady behind me, "That woman is proof that coupons work if you know how to use them!"
I knew I wanted to jump in with both feet and I am so glad I did! I came out of there with such a savers high (only a dedicated shopper would understand that LOL) that I said, "OK guys, we are headed to CVS!" LOL
Well Done! So did you go to CVS?
Wow..that's BIG savings!!
I miss couponing..maybe someday I'll get to do it again.
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